Name: Lily Jaffy

Kids: 2 sons

Occupation: Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Writer

Hometown: Boca Raton, Florida

H&H Interview with Lily:

1.  What are the top 3 items in your grocery cart?

Kale, Broccoli, Quinoa as I am a vegetarian and quinoa is a great source of non meat protein and also a great healthy carbohydrate. Kale and broccoli because they are very high in nutrients and minerals and vitamins and green equals lean. But it is very hard to nail it down to my top 3!

2.  What are you reading (honestly)?

The inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challem. Im also reading the PH Balance Miracle by Robert O Young, I am not one for fiction. There is so much I still want to learn. And there are so many health and weight loss theories out there I like to read what I can and take bits and pieces that make sense to me to try to help clients that have more challenging problems losing weight.

3. What is your guilty pleasure when you get some coveted ‘me time’?

I don’t get much “me time” at all but if I am lucky enough to have a day I like to start it with a great gym session where I am not being rushed because I have somewhere I have to be. I like to get a blow dry and meet a friend for lunch and catch up with them. I love reading magazines simply to look at the pictures without feeling like I should be reading a book with more knowledge. A day with nowhere in particular to be at no in particular time is a great “me” day  That would be my favorite “me” day with a massage thrown in of course!

4.  What would we be surprised to find in your purse?

Is anything in a Women’s purse really a surprise? Lol We seem to manage carrying everything but the kitchen sink. Probably my “bible” which is a book called The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind. It is a great book you can just open and read a few pages to remind me to stay positive on those days where it may be a struggle. It keeps me on a positive track of thinking and can change my mood in an instant. I take it everywhere I go. I never leave home without my makeup bag. You never know when you need a touch up or need to look your best last minute.

5.  What is your favorite reality TV show?

I must admit I LOVE the Housewives of everywhere and anywhere. I am currently watching the Miami Housewives. I like a little mindless television to quiet the mind sometimes. I love Dr.Oz and I love Dancing with the Stars but I have not any chance to watch tv lately.

6.  What is your cocktail of choice?

I don’t really drink cocktails but if I did I would say a mojito. I usually stick to red wine in moderation.  I usually only drink as a little social lubricant. I have just never been much of a drinker.

7.  What is the funniest thing your kids have said or done lately?

They make me laugh every single day and I am lucky enough to say plenty of times a day but it would have to be when my younger son (11) told me that all the girls in his class have a crush on him and he wanted to thank me for making him such a “chick magnet”. He was absolutely serious.

8.  What is your favorite quotation?

I LOVE inspirational quotes but my favorite of late is “Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want to happen, to happen”

9.  What do crave on your diet cheat day?

PIZZA AND BBQ CHIPS!!! I love cheese and bread or cheese and anything. I absolutely love pizza and chips.

10.  Who is your favorite celebrity mom and why?

I would have to say Brooke Burke. I realize celebrities have a lot of help with beauty and with kids ect but she embodies beauty from the inside out and really makes an effort to connect with other real life moms to give advice and be a source of information for them through her website and her blogs. I love that she takes keeping fit seriously and understands the importance of giving yourself that time each day so that one can be more productive for our children and others. She seems to embody that balance.  She is beautiful and also a great, loving  Mom and she always seems to be with her kids and gives off such a relaxed, positive energy. I just love to see pictures of her with her kids.  I also love seeing that she includes her kids in many of her charitable ventures. My second would have to be Jenny MCcarthy for her incredible efforts in the fight against autism and her incredible strength and sense of humor in dealing with a tragic situation of having a child suffering with autism.

11.  What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

That I am intelligent and truly devoted to helping others become fit, healthy and spiritually healthy. I find people are often surprised once they get to know me that I actually know my stuff. A lot of people assume personal trainers are gym rats that only care about working out all day and working on their own bodies for simple aesthetic results but it is much more than that for me. It is about a healthy body AND a healthy mind and changing lives. I am often not able to get my workouts in as much as I would like because I am too busy helping others. The other thing people might be surprised to know, is that I am actually very shy. I hide it well but I am terrified of large amounts of people and crowded rooms.

12.  What is your secret to staying Hot & Healthy?

Eating as healthy as one can, meditation , exercise and BALANCE. I find it very stressful to put yourself under such enormous pressure to do everything right, everyday. Even eating clean and exercising.  People can put themselves under so much pressure that when they can’t live up to their own expectations they are stressed out, down on themselves and miserable. That combination does NOT equal hot or healthy. I really try get it through to my clients and friends that putting themselves under so much pressure to be perfect everyday causes so much stress which is very damaging to ones health and hotness!!!

*Thanks, Lily!*

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Written by Lea Barlow2 Comments

2 Responses to Hot Mama of the Week: Lily Jaffy

    Laura London Tue, Apr 19, 9:33am


    What a great article on a wonderful and hard working mom!!! Go Lily!!!!

    Barbara Simon Wed, Apr 20, 2:01pm


    A wonderfully written and inspiring article. Well done Lily.

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