Author Archives: alexis

my Summer Sephora Run

May 3rd, 2012

by Alexis Novak

I’ve learned the hard way that when summer hits and your foundation is dripping and streaking down your sweaty head, it’s not a sexy look. So I try to lighten up the makeup when 90 plus temps arrive. Here are my recent must-haves I scored on my last Sephora binge.

1. Benefit, “They’re Real” mascara; my new fave mascara. The weird ball tip is designed to help you coat all the little teeny side lashes and bottom lashes. It also lets you do one-coat natural-looking-car-line-look, to about five-coats-fake-lash-date-night-drama. You know which I prefer! $22

2. Dr. Jart BB Cream, 39 SPF. Remember we talked about the BB creams last year? Well, now everyone makes one. I have tried three and this is still my favorite. The coverage is amazing and your skin can breathe in it better than foundation.  I still love my Laura Mercier tinted moisturizers, but you need this super-charged SPF-ed up balm too. If you overslept and are running out the door with one minute to spare, slather this on. $39

I love a tanned look but don’t want to look like the NJ mom who just got arrested for tanning her five year old….

so I use this…

3. Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel. No self-tanning smelliness, just great color. A little pricey but well worth it. $34

4. Perfekt Cheek Perfection Gel in “blushed” color.  I love a little flushed look and this is it. Gel blush lasts longer if you are a glowy, a.k.a seriously sweaty gal like me.  $28

5. You always need a nice nude lip to complete your Sun Goddess look. This Clinique Long Last Soft Shine lipstick does the trick. We need hydrating lip formulas at this point to combat the heat. Try Creamy Nude and Berry Kiss. $15

6. Murad anything. I’m probably late to discover Murad but if you’re like me then your skin tweaks in the heat and these products, while not cheap, are cheaper than a visit to my dermatologist. I never know what to do with a mix of dry patches, oil-slicked-ness and freakishly sensitive skin so I tried this Soothing Gel Cleanser, $25, and I am already a huge Murad fan. I think we can’t hydrate skin too much in the summer when it starts to feel so dry and tight.

I also loved a sample of Murad Oil Control Mattifier SPF 15 $39.50, which would be perfect before the BB cream.

Those are my summer goodies. Love to hear about your summer beauty rituals. Wish me luck channeling the ultimate BB, beach babe Bridget Bardot.


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Dear Jessica Simpson,

Thank you for being a big beautiful Pregnosaurus and not apologizing for it. And, I think I love you.

In an era when starlets are terrified to ruin their careers with excessive pregnancy poundage and stretch marks, you embrace all your new super duper curves. You are no bony-ass prego a la the other Jessica. You tweet about eating Poptarts smeared with butter.  Mac and cheese and Cap’n Crunch. You confess to binging on baking porn like “Slutty Brownies”.

You pose magazine-cover-pregnant-naked. Not because they asked you to, but you just thought you should. And all those diamonds dripping off of you?! Well done lady.

You’ve shared about your voracious sexual appetite and your spectacular pregnant O’s. Your “swamp-ass” sweat. And when I think OMG-she’s-gone-too-far, you talk about your dream where your “hoo-ha” ate an entire bag of Skittles. LMAO

While Us Weekly deems this oversharing TMI, I find it refreshing, hilarious and ballsy. You are starting a pregnant girl revolution Jessica, and American moms are listening.

I cannot wait to hear what crazy honest and sometimes crude sound bite will come out next, regarding childbirth, breastfeeding, being up all night with your daughter. Adding sleep deprivation to the mix will only make you funnier. I know you will bring your southern, self-effacing humor to all you do. Some days, my sense of humor is all I have left. You will find yours to be a useful tool as well.

I know you pop any day now and I would like to be the first to officially welcome you to the club, we are so happy to have you as a new member.

Bring it Jess. We’re ready.

xoxo the Moms

P.S. Now here are those fabulous slutty brownies from What’s Cooking Gaby

*Happy Friday*


Written by alexis • 2 Comments

Baby Sex

Feb 29th, 2012

by Alexis Novak

As far as I can tell, there are only really two types of parents; the ones that find out the sex of their baby and the ones that want a big “surprise” in the delivery room. I subscribe to Team Finding Out, which is still a surprise, just earlier, and allows you to mentally and physically prep for that little booger to enter your universe. The teensy problem is that my husband’s on Team Grand Surprise. And since I am a woman that hails from a family of lawyers, I think it’s smart to negotiate with him on the finding out procedure for a future pregnancy now, before I’m actually pregnant again.

I’m losing ground in this household debate however, because my team already won. Twice. And I have a husband yelling “technical!”*

My first pregnancy I wanted a girl. I dreamed of pink from the moment I saw the two little ept lines ‘til week 20 when it was confirmed my hunch was right. I was elated! I ran out that day and bought a newborn-sized fuchsia tutu from Gymboree. For reals.

The second time we had a well-meaning plan of not finding out (hey, fair is fair), which meant I was going to find out, not tell a solitary soul, and it would still be a big surprise for my husband on game day.

Here is how the 20 week appointment went. He left the room so the tech could tell only me. She confirmed what I already thought- another girl! Sisters! He came back in the room and I made my face stoic, emotionless. I tried to focus on boring things like my grocery list instead of succumbing to the thought that was leaping and dancing in my head- matching pink tutus! Problem was he knew that I thought I was carrying another girl so as soon as we entered the next exam room, he said all huffy-puffy, “I know it’s a girl because you have a gloating look on your face!” I told him to chill. That I was neither going to confirm or deny his conjecture; he didn’t want to know so I wasn’t going to spill. Hours went by. Later that evening I was reading. He came in and stared at me for a long time. I ignored him, sensing what was coming. “Just tell me. I know it’s a girl. Just say it.” I told him that I wouldn’t give any hints either way; that I was honestly trying to honor his wishes. This tug of war literally went on for four days. I tried to keep to myself, not make eye contact. No quick movements. I was over him following me around the house and giving me the evil eye. His nagging was wearing me down. So finally, one last time he begged for it, “I know it’s a girl, just tell me!” “Fine”, I said, “YES, it’s a GIRL, OK?” And then this look of horror flashed across his face like he really didn’t want to know and couldn’t believe I told him. (And men think women are crazy).

Now, while it seems like my husband should really truly get his way this future third time around, I have to say I’m not sold this time either. Because deep down he probably would really like a son and how will the surprise go if he’s secretly hoping for a little man to throw a football with and then another tutu-wearer emerges from my womb? Surprise! And our girls would love to know early if they are having a brother or sister. We could talk names, paint the nursery accordingly, include them in all the fun planning; they can be Team Baby. I especially want one of those trendy gender cake reveal parties, where you slice in and then your family squeals in delight, “Pink cake!” or “Blue cake!” But most importantly, if I have to balloon to the size of a wildebeest, don’t I deserve to to know what’s growing inside me? Moms’ rules rule, right? Or am I depriving myself and my husband of the biggest and coolest surprise nature ever intended?

Did you and your spouse agree on the finding out? If not, who got their way and how was it decided? Do tell.


Written by alexis • 4 Comments

Friend or Foe?

Feb 10th, 2012

by Alexis Novak


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