Author Archives: Lea Barlow

doggie fever

Apr 18th, 2012

It has been a little over a year since we lost our beloved pooch, Maddie, and lately we have all started to get a touch of dog fever. Well, a few of us have a bit more than a ‘touch’ (I have Pinterest boards dedicated to our dog search). Since we decided to sell the house we will not be buying/adopting a puppy until we have more clarity. I swear. That being said, I wanted to share with you what type of dog each member of the Barlow clan wants…

Scott’s pic. Granted, very cute as a puppy…

As a grown dog, I am not so sure about the Bulldog.

Tennison’s pick.

I have been bitten twice by chihuahuas.  Not gonna happen.

Grayson’s pick.

Maddie was 1/2 Boxer so we all have a special place in our hearts for this breed. I will give Gray’s pick a ‘maybe’.

The Goldendoodle is mama’s pick.

Who can resist this face?! I just want to snuggle right up to this guy.

What is your favorite dog breed?


Written by Lea Barlow • 3 Comments

Power Food Combos

Apr 17th, 2012

I am a big believer in listening to your body. It will always tell you what you need it’s only a matter of paying attention. It turns out that these power food combos are deeply rooted in are instincts. You are probably already eating these foods together and there is a reason why. It’s called ‘food synergy’. Two particular foods eaten together can actually deliver more health benefits than either one could alone. Researchers believe we inherently crave certain food combinations to protect and nourish our bodies. Here is a list of the food combos from the Hungry Beast

Tomatoes & Olive Oil

Simple and delicious. Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene, which has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. But lycopene is also fat-soluble, which means combining it with a healthy, monounsaturated fat like olive oil helps boost absorption even more. Technique: Sautéed tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper make a great fresh pasta sauce; but you can also whip up a quick Caprese salad by adding some mozzarella and basil to sliced tomatoes drizzled with olive oil.

Green Tea & Lemon

Confession: I just started drinking green tea. I have known about its health benefits for some time but avoided it because I just never thought of myself as a tea drinker. It’s a fantastic mid-afternoon pick me up. Green tea is packed with antioxidants, revs up metabolism, and keeps you hydrated. When drunk with lemon, its benefits become turbocharged—your body absorbs 13 times as many more antioxidants than when consumed on its own.  Are you sold?

Orange Juice & Oatmeal

A breakfast classic and the kids love it too! The combination of these morning basics hasactually been shown to prevent heart attacks and clean arteries twice as effectively as ingesting either one on its own. The organic compounds known as phenols (found in both) stabilize cholesterol levels when consumed together. Tip: Instant oatmeal is often processed with added sugars, salt, and colorings, so go for old-fashioned rolled oats.

Apples & Red Wine

This combination puzzled me at first but then I read one way to combine the two foods is with booze. Sounds good to me.  Apples contain an anti-inflammatory flavonoid called quercetin, while red wine contains the flavonoid catechin. Together, they work to prevent blood clots and improve cardiovascular functioning. Try 5-Star Sangria for a healthy bit of boozing.

Beef & Carrots

Did you automatically think of stew? Try this amazing curry recipe instead. When you’re in the mood for a hearty meal, this mix that will boost your immune function. The Vitamin A in the carrots is best absorbed when bound to a protein. Plus, the beef delivers an extra dose of zinc, which protects against weakening of the immune system.

Garlic & Fish

These two flavors were made for each other, and when combined, the cholesterol-reducing fish oils and heart-healthy garlic can act as an anti-inflammatory agent. My family prefers our calamari without breading. Try this grilled calamari recipe to combine the garlic and fish.


Written by Lea Barlow • 2 Comments

the BIG purge

Apr 13th, 2012

Two things you may or may not know about me: 1. I am highly effected by seasons  2. I LOVE big projects. What do these two things have in common? Well, if you haven’t noticed, spring seems to be on steroids this year. Maybe that is why I am taking Spring Cleaning to the next level. I have decided to sell the house we have lived in for the last 4 years and all of the furniture in it. That’s where the big project comes in. We have been readying the house to list over the last week. No easy task with two toddlers underfoot. This may seem like a rash decision but we have actually been toying with the idea for the last 18 months. Our house is gorgeous inside and out but for some reason it never felt like ‘home’ to us. With the real estate market the way it was it just wasn’t a sound move to make. Lately though there has been a positive change in our area and we are hoping it will work in our favor. To be completely honest with you, I am absolutely relishing this decision. I cannot wait to start again with a blank slate. The only things I plan on taking from the house are my kids, the hubs, Sonny the cat and everything from my closet (I haven’t completely lost it!).

Reader Note: Be prepared for funny tales of moving and LOTS of design inspiration posts!


Written by Lea Barlow • Leave a comment

Are you Ready?

Apr 11th, 2012

After Spring Break it seems like the school weeks fly by at lightning speed and all of sudden it’s summer. The idea of summer should illicit thoughts of lazy days and lemonade on the front porch. Not so much for me. It has the tendency to overwhelm me. Because the kiddos are 3 1/2 and 5 finding summer camps that will work for both of them has been somewhat challenging (read:  ’what in the hell am I going to do with these kids all summer?!’ ) But I got a head start this year and have mapped out quite an amazing summer. Here’s how the kids will be spending their days….

Camps (10 weeks):
2 weeks of Drama camp
3 weeks of Nature camp
3 weeks of Vacation Bible School
2 weeks of themed Day School camps (these seem more like glorified daycare but whatever)

Evening Swim Team practice 3-4x weekly
Private Tennis Lessons (to be paid for by my MIL. Yay!)

Education (can’t let their little brains turn to jello):
5 week Reading Readiness program through University of South Florida

Fun (yes, I do allow for some actual ‘summer’ fun):

Lots of fishing with daddy
Endless amount of lounging by pool with mommy
Countless Popsicle afternoons with grandparents
A 10-day trip to Maine

I have to admit that I am pretty proud of myself for all of my advanced planning. What are your summer plans for the family?


Written by Lea Barlow • Leave a comment